The day started with the packing of the trailer with all 24 huge, heavy bags....the trailer is packed to the gills, so there is a method to the madness of packing...most likely within the next couple of days I might figure out what it is...
All the riders were anxious to get on the road and all were gone by 9:30 am.
There were several errands that had to be completed today, so after a short ride, I came back to the hotel, got the support vehicle and set out to accomplish my missions. A quick visit to Bikes & Beyond and COSTCO and my missions were complete as of 12 noon. I was even able to rescue 2 PB&Js from room 105 of the Lamplighter Motel before they became victims of the check out police!
I drove the support vehicle to Longview, WA and arrived at the Quality Inn, 723 7th Ave., Longview, OR, making only a couple of wrong turns.Upon arrival in Washington State as per the directions, I realized that 7th Ave. didn't cross Tennant Way, but I soon deduced that if I turned down [which means make a left to those who don't understand Judy Speak] 11th Ave. and went around the block [again this means square the block by making rights] I could get to the hotel parking lot. Some things are so near, yet sooo far! To think I used to be a trained investigator!
On the way to the hotel I passed all of the riders, gave a friendly honk and wave but nobody patted their helmets in the international cyclist sign of distress, so I was free to continue my driving adventure. Although nobody needed me, I was able to deliver the long lost PB&Js to their rightful owners!
After arrival at the hotel I was able to get back on my bicycle and take another ride around Longview, WA. Interesting town, but alas my camera battery died so I didn't get any pictures -- problably should have recharged it but with so many electronic devices one has to prioritize which items get recharged at one time, and obviously I prioritized poorly.
I again found something weird in my travels, so I thought I would share...Could this be what has gotten Landis and company in trouble? If you read the label closely it gives instructions on how to warm the contents to 98.6 -- hummmm...Who said all the weird is in NYC?
The Map Meeting/Happy Hour was held in the Breakfast Room beginning at 5 pm. The hosts for the meeting were Cynthia and Steve H.. They did a wonderful job and surprised us with fresh cantelope slices and Almond candies. Tomorrow's route was discussed in detail to make sure that there would be no confusion tomorrow finding the hotel.
Dinner choices were limited so a group [Merle and Susan V., Jim and Vicki; John & Joann, Rich/Rick, Marnie, Dan K., Frank H., Bill K., and me plus a couple of others who I am still trying to learn their names] of us walked about a half a mile to Pie@Trios Pizzeria. We kind of broke into groups and split pies...our eyes were bigger than our stomachs and there were plenty of leftovers.
Tomorrow we are onto Portland, OR.
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